Sunday, August 1, 2010

Walking With Hazel: Screw All This Kinda-Not-Sure-If-It's-Gonna-Rain Business.

So, it's been an okay weekend so far. Yesterday we picked raspberries, and Hazel ate most of them before Dad could get them into the freezer, but they're only starting to bloom, so there'll be a lot more; of course, we DID have to explain to a couple of hobos that while they were more than welcome to have some, they should make sure they were picking only the ripe ones, and also that they weren't allowed to have them ALL, and also to please stop just ripping entire bunches off of the raspberry stalks. They were actually kinda nice about it, which was cool, because it's never a good idea to have angry hobos in your alley.

Then we went swimming. For about ten minutes, before the rain chased us out of the pool, which was outdoors, so we quickly got changed and rode back home, because swimming in the rain is okay if you're a drunk teenager, or just drunk, and it'd be a bad idea if Dad was drunk around Hazel, or if Hazel was drunk, so we just went home and coloured some pictures, and no one got drunk.

After our nap, we had dinner, wherein Hazel showed Dad how to eat orange juice with a fork, and then we decided to go for a bike ride in spite of the gathering rain clouds, so we went to Beano where Josh served us a scoop of ice cream and Shanley told Hazel that her head was too big. In a nice way, though. You can't expect much from Shanley, y'see, because she listens to Cyndi Lauper.

Then we rode home, but we made sure to ride by Jeff & Maggi's place, where we waved at all the people on the porch. Then it was popcorn and bedtime.

THEN... well, we were s'posed to go to the zoo with Christina and her bundle of terror, but it was gross and cold and rainy out, so we told Christina that we didn't want anything to do with her stinky ol' baby, and we went to splash in the puddles instead.

And then Hazel fell into one of the big puddles, and she was fine, but we decided it was best to come home, so she warmed her hands up inside Dad's sweater while we walked home and now we're eating carrot-sticks and grapes and being quite lazy. So, there.

Well, you can't get what you want, but you can get me. It's Noodle with a machine gun, shooting down fighter planes, which is full of The Awesome.

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