Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Goddamn: Introducing A New Segment On 'No Blood No Foul' In Which Our Lord's Name Is Taken In Vain Many Times.

Trying something new. Because sometimes, you hear a song, you read a line or a paragraph, you see a picture, and that's all you can say, is: God. Damn. In a good way, though, y'know?

So: I'm late to the party on this one, but Aloe Blacc's "I Need A Dollar"? An honest-to-goodness contemporary mixture of Marvin Gaye, Sam Cooke and Al Green? No, sir, I'm afraid that's far too awesome to be allowed to exist. Goddamn.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Y'know What's Cool? Women Are Cool.

Or, "Gee, Boingboing sure gets a lot of traffic from me..."

Anyway: breaking internet silence. Not that I was keeping silent for any other reason than perpetual hibernation. It's the Official First Day Of Spring Which Means Winter Can Hurry Up And Die Now, Thank You Very Much, and we're still getting forecasts of "gobs and gobs of snow OMG WTF?!" (I swear to god that's what they said on the news honest.); it still feels like January out there, and something in my head makes me want to just sleep for another month. But: it's March, and stuff must be done, and if it takes waking up every day and pokin' my head outta my hole and spotting my shadow and chasing that fucker down with a 2x4 fulla nails to pull me outta this funk, well, then, call me a groundhog.

God, I know: that made NO sense.

Anyway: here's another one-two combo on how wimminfolk are gettin' things done:

1. Anonymous announces Anonymiss. (Interview with member Emma_A here.)

That's it for now. Kali's making me write stuff about comics, so I gotta go do that, or she'll punch me. Call yr mothers and tell them you love 'em.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Few Important Notes While We Wake From Hibernation:

1. It is not a fort, but rather a CASTLE. For a PRINCESS. Who is a PIRATE.

2. They are not chicken pox sores; they are SPARKLES.

3. Pirates say three things: "Arrr, Matey!", "Walk the plank!", and "Better catch the cook if you want some cake!"

4. It's okay to drink the bathwater if it tastes like licorice. Also: the soap is good for your belly.

5. It's okay to visit people in the bathroom, as long as you bring a toy for them to play with, too.

6. It's also okay to drink the dishwater, but it doesn't taste as good as the bathwater.

That's all for now. Updates to follow.