Saturday, August 14, 2010

Walking WIth Hazel: We Are SOOOO Lazy Today.

We started off with sort of a lazy morning, which involved periodic viewings of Astroboy in between sessions of chasing the beam from the flashlight, showing Dad how to walk backwards in a circle, and drawing many pictures of butterflies. Then she showed me where it hurt on her big toe, and after a lengthy consultation, it was decided that it would be best if we used a Spider-man band-aid on it.

Oh, yes, and we apparently now have a song in our repertoire that only consists of the lyrics, "Sticky sticky bubblegum".

Then we said bye to Mom as she left for her camping trip, and we went to see if we could find anything in the garden. We picked peas, (which Hazel ate) and raspberries (which Hazel ate) and chard (which she ate and then spit out). To be fair, Hazel was very polite, and always said thank you when she was stealing raspberries from Dad's bucket.

Later on our friend Geoff came over, and while he and Dad talked about stuff and stuff and stuff, Hazel also managed to get both of them to draw various turtles on her colouring pages, and everyone agreed they looked pretty rad, indeed. Then Hazel drew some leaves on Geoff's arm, and Geoff liked them, and said they looked like a pretty awesome tattoo, so Hazel drew some more leaves on the floor.

Then we went to the park, where we played a game that Hazel calls 'Burgers & Fries', where Hazel stands at one of the plastic 'windows' beneath the playground structure and pretends it's a drive-thru window, handing out various pebbles as though they were fast food.

(Mom & Dad both swear that Hazel came up with this game on her own. Honest.)

Then we went home, and Geoff said goodnight and went home, and we had dinner and then some popcorn and some sleepytime tea, and now it's bedtime. So, goodnight.

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