Monday, August 16, 2010

Yr Bones Got A Little Machine

This was originally gonna be another post about Hazel, but we had another kinda lazy day, the most memorable moments being when we stood underneath the 8th St underpass and barked at the cars passing by for a couple of minutes, and the full two blocks we travelled in the stroller, yelling, "Here we go!" to each other the entire time.

Right now, we're watching a couple of kids who can't be more than seven years of age practice ollies onto our sidewalk, and Hazel's really excited about it, and I'm wondering if it's too early to get her her own deck. I mean, I guess it'd mean that I'd finally have to get off my ass and quit using my age as an excuse and actually learn how to skate, because, well, why not, right? So what if my bones break a little more easily? Chicks dig scars, and casts are cool, and they hurt like a motherfucker when you hit someone with 'em. I think it'd be worth it to be able to teach my daughter how to balance on a skateboard, even though right now she'd probably just want to sit down and have Dad push her forward on it, like everything else she owns. We'll see.

All I wanted to say with this was: if you're one of those guys who are building a mosque at Ground Zero, and you're tired of everyone telling you that it's disrespectful and perverted and whatnot, despite the fact that y'all apparently live in a country that's s'posed to celebrate freedom of religion, well, you can build one in my backyard, if you want. I got space and I don't care who you pray to, just as long as you don't trample the raspberries.

Also: go see Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. It is seriously the best movie ever.


That is all. Despite the usual crap, it's actually been a good weekend. Here's hoping you had a good one, too.

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