So, of course, he did. And so we began this game of her picking out toys for Dad to kiss, and Dad kissing them, including Hazel's toy hammer, the xylophone, and a small piece of blue fabric.
Then we thought it'd be a good idea to turn everything in to a drum, so we spent a few minutes hitting her toys with other toys to see what kinds of noises they made. Then we looked at the xylophone, and Hazel pointed out that the string was really too short to allow her to wield its plastic mallet properly, and so we began to scheme.
Then we got Dad's screwdriver and began taking the xylophone apart (it's just a toy plastic one, so don't think we were messing around with some great architectural musical instrument or anything, jeez...), and Hazel got to turn the screwdriver quite a few times, too. Then we collected all the screws in a plastic cup so that we wouldn't lose them, and then took the top off of the xylophone, and then we undid the knot that held the string in place.
Then Dad found some cord to replace the string with, only it was too big to fit through the holes, so Dad asked Hazel to stand a safe distance away while he used his drill to widen the hole, and then we put the cord through and knotted the ends and put the screws back in and now the xylophone is all better. Because of TOOLS.
Then it was time for dancing with blindfolds on. We're sorry, we don't have any videos.
Then Hazel spent the next little while with our flashlight, chasing its beam of light across the room, leaving Dad to speculate once again that raising a child is not that dissimilar from keeping a pet, only you probably won't have to take your cat aside in a few years and explain to them why boys are evil.
Then we went to help Crystal move her washer and dryer, which meant that Hazel spent most of the next few hours in the company of wimminfolk, so Dad's not too sure exactly what Amy and Crystal were teaching the Little Miss, but he'd like to think that it had to do with, again, the fact that boys are evil. And creepy. And not fun.
After we were finished moving the washer and dryer, we played a game on the steps of Crystal's new house that consisted of Hazel telling Dad which steps he was allowed to sit on, and then handing him some small berries that weren't good for eating but were very good for throwing down the steps.
Then we went home, and Hazel napped while Dad tried to get ready for (wait for it):

Which actually took place inside our kitchen, because it was kinda chilly outside, but it was so awesome, because we haven't seen Jasmine since she left to go live in New York, and even though she's a high-&-mighty Big City Person now, she still came to hang out with us. What's more, after all was said and done, she even did our dishes.

Then we decided to go for a bike ride, because apparently they were showing 'E.T.' at the community centre down the street, and we thought it'd be fun to go check it out, but when we got there, it turned out the movie was starting later than we thought, and it was already quite late, so we gave Jasmine hugs and thanked her for coming over and then we went home and went to bed.
And that was Saturday.
So far this morning,well, we've had a lazy morning, consisting of eating our breakfast underneath the chairs in the kitchen, dancing to LCD Soundsystem and The Black Keys, and Hazel standing guard with the flashlight while Dad took a shower, making sure that no monsters bothered him.
We might go see Kathryn's show today, but it's kinda icky out, so we might not. We'll see.
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