Sunday, August 1, 2010

All The Noodles Taste The Same, Little Lady, I Assure You.

Currently, my offspring is face-down on the living room carpet, beside herself with rage due to the fact that I've made the wrong type of noodles for dinner tonight, so while she expresses herself in the manner she knows best, I'm gonna take a few moments to chat.


1. Jane McGonigal on how gamers can save the world. Long story short: gamers are awesome in game worlds, think that they can't achieve much in the real world. Give them games that help solve real-world problems, gamers will carry those skills from the virtual world to the real world. It's paraphrasing, really, but damn, you really should hear this woman out.

2. Gangs of women roam rural India weilding bamboo sticks and striking fear into the hearts of abusive husbands.

Man, there is NOTHING wrong with that statement whatsoever, y'know? It's like Batman hosting a Take Back The Night rally.

...and now the Little Miss is sitting under the computer table, playing with tomato seeds and still refusing to eat, so let's continue:

3. Actual colour photographs of life during the Great Depression.

4. And then, y'know, after hearing in the news over and over again about all the many different ways people have come up with to be just generally shitty to each other, something like this comes along and warms my heart. Or tries to, at least, because my heart is a cold black lump of coal which dwells in the deepest darkest reaches of space and is used once a year by Santa as he comes by and chips off tiny pieces to give to all the naughty children at Christmas, so technically it cannot be warmed as it is a FORCE OF NATURE UNTO ITSELF THAT EVEN FIGMENT OF YOUR IMAGINATION MUST BOW TO, and now I'm being silly and taking away from the article which is actually quite pleasant.

And now, the Little Miss is in the bathroom, wanting me to put a Spider-Man band-aid on her mosquito bite while she takes a poop. This is my life. At least she ate the raspberries in the salad.

Oh, wait, what? New Lauryn Hill? What?

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