Sunday, October 9, 2011

Walking WIth Hazel: The Princess Gets Her Hands Dirty. Kinda.

So, yesterday, The Little Miss came over a little earlier than usual, which meant that Dad had to get up a little earlier than usual, which meant that there was a lot of coffee to be had, because Dad doesn't do well with mornings. Like AT ALL. Still he was up, and had some time to kill before The Little Miss arrived, so he decided to stop being a disrespectful neighbour or whatever it is that homeowners call each other and rake up the carpet of leaves that'd gathered over the last week on his lawn.

Which was actually kinda fun, as most yardwork tends to be, its just that Dad does so little of it that he tends to forget the fact. And wouldn't ya know it, The Little Miss arrived just as Dad had made the last pile, so we decided it was time to go inside and have more coffee so that Hazel could show off her new castle to her Mom; and lemme tell ya, it's a castle worth showing off. It's got three towers, and a drawbridge with an alligator underneath it, and one of the towers has a catapult, and another one has a trapdoor that leads to a dungeon, and there are steps on the outside so that invaders can kinda climb up, but it's also got a portion of the wall that collapses into a sort-of deck for fightin' on, as well it's got a cauldron on top right over the drawbridge, which at first Dad thought was for dumping boiling oil on the invaders, which seemed both awesome if a little gruesome when you think about the fact that this was designed for, what, 4-year-olds? But it turned out to be a cannon, actually, which was just as awesome, and it came with 5 knights: two black, two red, and one that was black and red, and, well, if that ain't ridiculously cool then I don't know what is.

So Mom and I attacked the castle with giant stuffed mice, and Hazel defended the castle, and then coffee was done, and it was time to get back to the yardwork, so we waved goodbye to Mom and then went to clean up the leaves.

Which Hazel had decided that she wanted to help with, so we found her a pair of workgloves that she could wear so that she wouldn't have to touch any slugs or gross stuff, but those gloves were too big, so she decided that she needed new ones: her ball-glove and her oven mitt. 


Of course, she was wearing her fairy wings and princess tiara and carrying her magic wand, so she was obviously well-suited for this kinda work, as she proved by grabbing the rake and spreading the piles Dad had already made all over the yard. 


Still, we made good time, filling about four big garbage bags full of leaves, during which time Hazel taught Dad how to speak in chicken-language, which he's unable to translate here, but rest assured she was just as fluent in it as she was the previous week when she claimed she could speak in Spanish, which leads Dad to say, good try, kid, you'll get it one day, and then we talked about butterflies, and Hazel was asking why they have curled antennae, and Dad explained that they use them to sense things, kinda like ears and noses and tongues rolled into one, which led us to conclude that butterflies run around all day with their tongues hanging out like puppy dogs.

Then Hazel showed Dad her impression of a puppy dog, which he tried taking pictures of, but they came out all blurry so you'll just have to use your imagination.

Then we looked at the birdhouse, and decided that we'd clean it out NEXT week, because we didn't feel like getting the ladder out, and then it was time for lunch.

And that was our morning. Other stuff happened later on in the day, but Dad's gotta go make pancakes now, so you'll just have to be happy with what you got.

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