Saturday, June 4, 2011

We Take Our Censuseses's Seriously.

   "After consulting with 'Person 2', we've come to the consensus that the most prominent of my daughter's playthings should be included on this census, as they take up a certain amount of space in the housefold, and are, as Person 2 claims, 'just as important as us'. She's kinda sensitive that way, so without any further ado, we present:

   1. A green giraffe with purple spots named 'Bullseye' (the name was taken from the popular Pixar movies 'Toy Story 2' and 'Toy Story 3', even though in the movies the name belonged to a pony, not a giraffe. Still, kids, eh?

   2. 2 bunny rabbits (one white, one purple) who are both named 'Dixie'.

   3. A plush spider who does not have a name.

   4. A rather creepy-looking doll named 'Iggle Piggle' from the BBC TV series 'In The Night Garden'. I don't get that show, and I don't think I ever will.

   5. 5 pairs of 'Princess Shoes', each themed after a different Disney character/princess. I was reluctant to include these, but Person 2 was insistent.

   6. A representation of the character 'Ramona Flowers' from the comic book and subsequent motion picture 'Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Universe'. She has purple hair and a scowl on her face and she rocks, althoughwe are kinda worried as she's been missing for a few weeks.

   Also, there are rabbits (real live ones!) that live in our garden, but they can fill out their own goddamned census form."

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