Thursday, March 25, 2010

Because I Really Should Be Documenting This Shit.

Random Stuff About The HILJ #45: when pretending to fly, she creeps around on her tiptoes with her hands held up like claws, flexing her fingers and hunching her shoulders and kinda sorta snuffling and snorting. She will do this for about five or six minutes straight, and yes, it IS the cutest thing you've ever seen, but please remember, she's also pretty much a two-year-old, which means that she's basically suffering from a lesser version of puberty (body changing and strange emotions developing that she cannot describe, etc.), which means that at any given moment this little angel will haul off and hit you with a chair, for no other reason than it occurred to her to do so.

Random Stuff About The HILJ #102: there are times when Hazel will pick up a crayon and start picking at it with her fingernail; when she does this, she gets this faraway look on her face, like she's in a trance, and she'll start placing each wax flake somewhere on my person, until I am literally festooned with constellations of orange and purple and green pieces of crayon. It's like she's a witch doctor or shaman or evangelical baptist or something, seeing visions of some impending doom, the likes of which can only be warded off by the mystical sigils she's creating with dust from the bones of the Great Beast Cray-Oh-Luh.

Yes, I have a rich inner life. Get off my back.

Have to go. Apparently the HILJ feels it would be better if everything that we have up on shelves would be happier strewn across the floor, and vice versa.

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