Saturday, May 28, 2011

Walking With Hazel: We Don't Want The Worms To Touch Us.

So, of course, it's Saturday, which means that first we had to get groceries, which is fine, except that the Little Miss decided that she was going to be extra particular today, which meant that she had to pick out everything we were going to get by hand, which is why we ended up with one apple, four bananas and four boxes of bunny noodles. When Dad decided that we needed a few other things (and not as many bunny noodles), well, it left the Little Miss in quite a funk, the likes of which was only cured by one of the nice people at Sunnyside Market offering her a robot monkey sticker. A purple robot monkey sticker, of course, which she promptly slapped onto Dad's forehead, which was okay by him.

Then we went and got watermelon from the other grocery store, because watermelon is essential.

Then we went to the comic store, because it was pretty much right next door, which meant that we really had no choice but to go in, and besides, Hazel had lost her Ramona doll so we needed to see if we could find another one, and if dad just happened to find some comics he liked, well, that was okay too, right? Right. But of course, they had no Ramona Flowers dolls, just stupid Scott Pilgrim dolls, so we were out of luck, but they did have dolls of Foofa from Yo Gabba Gabba, which Hazel was very good about not grabbing right off the shelf, so we decided that if Dad was going to get a comic, Hazel could have the Foofa doll. Because Dad is a pushover.

Then Dad discovered that during Hazel's earlier fit of grumpiness, she'd put three bars of soap in her coat pockets, which meant that we had to go back to Sunnyside and say, sorry, we're shoplifters. Which they were very nice about, but still: sigh.

Then we went home and put away the groceries and cleaned up the kitchen, because the sooner that stuff was done meant the sooner we could have watermelon, and really, if you haven't quite gotten hip to the fact that WATERMELON is ESSENTIAL, then you haven't really been paying attention, have you?

Then we went and worked on the garden, because even though Dad had planted most of the seeds earlier on in the week, we still had to plant the carrots, onions and radishes, so we put on our boots and grabbed our trowels (or 'shovels', as Hazel calls them) and started digging. The only problem we encountered was that we both wanted to plant things in the exact same spots, so after a bit of discussion, we decided that Hazel would get her very own special garden patch where she could plant whatever seeds she wanted, however she wanted to plant them, even if it meant dumping the seeds onto the ground, stepping on them, then picking them up and throwing them away, and then deciding to plant dandelions.

Which she did, while Dad got to meet the new neighbours who were asking about the garden, and then after a couple of minutes she realized that she'd been sitting in the dirt and decided to proclaim very loudly that she "had a dirty bum!". Which caused no small amount of laughter, which meant that Hazel decided her new favourite phrase was 'dirty bum'.

Then she decided that she'd had enough of digging, because the worms were coming out, so Dad helped her out of the garden (because it was surrounded by chicken wire because if Dad catches another one of those effing rabbits in the garden he's gonna throw a hammer at it but anyway -) and into a clean pair of pants, and then we decided that Hazel would watch Astroboy while Dad finished the gardening.

Then Dad remembered the he promised to drop some comics off at work for Tiffany's boyfriend to read (because Tiffany doesn't like comics unless they feature Batroc The Leaper, because she's dumb), so we went to Dad's work, and visited for a bit, and then got a peanut-butter-chocolate-chip cookie, because that's what Hazel had been chanting during the entire car ride there.

Then we came home and ate bunny noodles, because bunny noodles are delicious, and then we watched Wall-E while colouring a birthday card for someone secret whose birthday is coming up so we're not telling but anyway, then we went to bed. 

And now Dad has to go put sheets over his tomato plants, because he lives in Calgary, where we still get frost in May. Jeez.