Yesterday was a big day, because Mom got herself a new car, and by new car we mean a used car, and it runs perfectly except for the fact that it seems to have no muffler, which is why the Little Miss refers to it as the 'Loudy Car', but it's still good, and it also means that Dad gets to drive the Volkswagon full-time, even though we've decided that Volkswagon translates from the German into "car-that-will-never-have-enough-leg-room-for-Dad".
Still. We are happy, because this means that we can go get burgers and fries and lego and ice cream whenever we want without having to wait 45 minutes for a bus that won't stop at any of our destinations anyway. So there. Suck it, Calgary Transit.
(We should be kind, though, as we discovered yesterday that Dad REALLY has to watch his language, as the Litte Miss promptly repeated every curse and swear that left his mouth, rapidly and with much enthusiasm, which caused Dad much chagrin and embarrasment, especially after Hazel decided that her favourite phrase for the next hour would be, "what the fuck?", which was repeated relentlessly over and over agin until Dad taught her a song about putting gas in the car, which pretty much went, "GAS GOES IN THE CAR IN THE MORNING" sung at the top of one's lungs.)
So we went and got some groceries, and Hazel picked out every vegetable (red peppers, green peppers, carrots, a cucumber and a big bag of mushrooms), and some snacks (fig bars and cranberry/strawberry granola bars) and then proceeded to lie down on the scale at the self-serve checkout so that Dad couldn't actually purchase anything for a few minutes, since she was registered as an 'unknown item in bagging area', although she got back up following the combined threat of tickles and promise of cookies.
We should also mention that Hazel spent a few minutes in the produce section holding two apples to her chest and proclaiming that she had 'big boobies'. Dad swears that he had nothing to do with that one.
Then we walked down the street to visit John at the Roasterie, who wins bonus points for playing The Cure's 'A Forest' the moment we walked in, and then pretended to be a monkey for the duration of our visit, which garnered him the nickname Uncle Monkey. Then we walked back to the car, although we had to play a game which consisted of Hazel trying to pull Dad down on to the sidewalk for the entire block. It was fun.
Then we went to Dad's work and got a cookie for the Little Miss, because Dad likes to keep his promises.
Then we went home, had dinner and then made some popcorn and watched the good parts of Spider-man 3, which we've come to finally accept as NOT VERY GOOD AT ALL. We like all the actors and the director and stuff, but we can't deny it anymore: that movie was a mess. Even WITH Topher Grace.
Then we went to bed.
Today was kind of a slow day, but we did run some errands, most notably dropping some comics off for Amy & Chris to read, but they weren't home; their kids were home, though, and stared at us for a few minutes through the window before opening the door, and even then it was a few more minutes before they'd open the screen door, which might seem kinda strange and antisocial, but all it means to Dad is that they're very good babysitters and very cautious about who they open the door to and not very weird at all (don't hurt my comics, Amy.). Hazel didn't actually say anything to them, but instead giggled the entire time we were there.
Then we came home, and the Little Miss fell asleep in the car, so she's napping right now while Dad figures out what to make for dinner. We're thinking omelettes, but we might just settle for pizza.